CLF Project Fund

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What is the fund?

The Malay/Muslim Community Development Fund (MMCDF) was set up in 1991 to provide funding for programmes, to support the mission objectives of MENDAKI in making a difference to the Malay/Muslim community.

Community Leaders Forum (CLF) had supported projects from the following categories: Community Projects, Network Programmes and Malay/Muslim Organisations (MMOs) Projects. As of 2021, these projects were re-categorised into CLF Projects.

What does the fund support?
The fund mainly supports projects that cover 
at least one of the M3 Focus Areas (FA) and the 3Cs of Character, Competency and Citizenry.

FocusArea 1 - Marriage Parenthood and Early Childhood

This focus area aims to provide a continuum of care and support for Malay and Muslim couples and their families in the areas of marriage, parenting, and early childhood development.

FocusArea 2 - Vulnerable Individuals and Families

This focus area aims to provide holistic support for offenders, ex-offenders, as well as their families so that they will have opportunities for progress in society and community.

Focus Area 3 - Empowering and Mentoring Our Youths

This focus area aims to support youths and develop their strengths and capabilities through empowerment programme that aim to open opportunities for them to embark on various education and career pathways.

Focus Area 4 - Employment and Employability

This focus area aims to play an integral role to support the community in ensuring they can remain employed by having the
necessary skillsets and optimizing available opportunities.


Focus Area 5 – Community Health

This focus area aims to rally the Malay/Muslim community in promoting healthy living lifestyles and empowering them to organise and scale community-led initiatives. 

3Cs of Character, Competency and Citizenry.

To shape an individual’s identity, and the collective behaviour of
individuals shape the community’s identity.

To instil life-long learning and skills upgrading.

To have a sense of responsibility towards nation-building and society. 

Who can apply for the fund?
The CLF Fund is only eligible for 

Non-profit organizations that are:

  • Registered societies under the Registry of Societies (ROS),
  • Companies Limited by Guarantee
  • Charitable Trusts

Who are the beneficiaries?
The beneficiaries must be a Malay/Muslim. The intent of MMCDF is to benefit the Malay/Muslim Community in support for education, youth, family, and employability programmes
How and when can you apply for the fund?
The fund application will open in the month of June for 3 weeks (1 to 21 June 2024) for programmes to commence in 2025. Late applications will not be considered.

When and where can you know the application outcome?
The estimated approval timeline for applications is approximately 6 weeks from date of application submission. You will be receiving an email on the outcome of your application.

How much funding support can you expect to receive?

A) Programmes that are piloted by MENDAKI will receive 100% funding of the approved amount.

       1.   #amPowered Mentoring

2.   Family Excellence Circle

3.   KelasMateMatika(KMM)


B) Programmes that are aligned to MENDAKI’s objective and the five (5) FAs/3Cs will receive 80% funding of the approved amount.

What are the approving criteria for the projects?

  • Project must address one or more of the 5 focus areas and 3Cs
  • Projects that promote educational achievements or help alleviate social problems especially among those, which empower the socially disadvantaged
  • Projects which benefit the larger community rather than a focused target group
  • Projects which are in line with the national needs and catered to meet a particular need or gap within the community
  • Projects accompanied with a proven track record of success indicators


For further queries, you may contact our friendly CLF Secretariat at We look forward to receiving your applications!

Documents required to submit for fund application
CLF Funding Template